08 Jun ATO ride sourcing data-matchingprogram
Posted at 01:23h
in Uncategorized
The ATO will acquire ride sourcing data relating to approximately 200,000 individuals to identify individuals that may be engaged in providing ride sourcing services during the 2022/23 financial year. The data items include:
- Identification details (driver identifier, ABN, driver name, birth date, mobile phone number, email address and address); and
- transaction details (bank account details, aggregated payment details, gross fares, net amount paid to driver, and all other income to which GST may or may not apply) of all payments received in the relevant period.
The data will be used to identify and inform ride sourcing providers of their tax obligations as part of information and education campaigns. The intelligence obtained will increase the ATO’s understanding of the behaviours and compliance profiles of individuals and businesses that provide ride sourcing services, and may also be used as part of the methodologies by which the ATO selects taxpayers for compliance activities.